Softball Hitting Drills For Contact And Power

Softball hitting is a crucial aspect of the game that demands precision, technique, and consistency. A softball player can improve their hitting skills by practicing different hitting drills, such as contact and power drills. Contact drills are designed to enhance the player’s ability to make contact with the ball while power drills aim to increase the player’s strength and hit the ball with greater force.

In this article, we will discuss some essential softball hitting drills for both contact and power. These drills will help players improve their overall batting skills and enable them to perform better during games. As a softball coach or instructional writer, my goal is to provide you with practical and effective techniques that will help you master your hitting skills, allowing you to become a more confident and successful player on the field.

The Importance Of Softball Hitting

Softball hitting is a crucial aspect of the game that every player must master. It is an important component of the sport that requires a combination of physical strength, technique, and mental focus. A successful hitter can make all the difference in a game and can be the determining factor in a team’s success. Therefore, understanding the importance of softball hitting is essential for any aspiring softball player.

Techniques for softball hitting are essential to master. Proper form and technique allow players to hit with power and accuracy consistently. Without proper technique, it becomes difficult for hitters to make contact with the ball or generate much power behind their hits. Understanding and practicing correct techniques should be an integral part of any hitter’s training routine.

Overall, mastering softball hitting is critical if one wants to excel at this sport. The ability to hit with both contact and power can help players score runs and win games. It takes time, practice, dedication, and patience to develop good hitting form that leads to success on the field. In subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into how you can develop good hitting form through specific drills that will help you achieve your goals as a hitter.

Developing Good Hitting Form

Developing consistency is key when it comes to softball hitting. A consistent swing can lead to more hits and runs for your team. To improve your consistency, focus on developing good hitting form. This involves proper stance, grip, and swing technique.

Improving technique starts with proper stance. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed between them. Your knees should be slightly bent and your hips should be open towards the pitcher. Your grip on the bat should be firm but not too tight, with your top hand gripping the bat near the end of the handle and your bottom hand near the knob.

Once you have a solid stance and grip, work on perfecting your swing technique. Keep your eyes on the ball at all times, and as you swing, transfer weight from back foot to front foot while rotating your hips towards the pitcher. As you make contact with the ball, keep your hands inside and follow through with a high finish.

Developing consistency in hitting takes time and practice, but by improving technique through proper stance, grip, and swing mechanics, you can become a better hitter in no time.

Markdown list:

  • Practice proper stance
  • Maintain a firm but not too tight grip
  • Transfer weight from back foot to front foot while rotating hips during swing – This will help generate power and increase the chances of making solid contact with the ball.

The Basics Of Contact Hitting

Developing good hitting form is a crucial aspect of becoming a successful softball hitter. However, simply having good form does not guarantee success at the plate. The next step in becoming a great hitter is mastering the basics of contact hitting.

Timing is one of the most important aspects of contact hitting. It doesn’t matter how good your form is if you can’t time the pitch correctly. This means understanding when to begin your swing and being able to adjust mid-swing if necessary. Many hitters make the mistake of starting their swing too early or too late, resulting in weak contact or a complete miss.

Another common mistake among hitters is not keeping their eyes on the ball throughout the entire swing. It’s easy to lose focus and look away during the swing, but doing so can result in missing the ball entirely or making weak contact. Keeping your eyes focused on the ball from start to finish will increase your chances of making solid contact.

To better illustrate these points, take a look at this table:

Common Hitting MistakesImportance of Timing
Starting swing too early or too lateUnderstanding when to begin your swing
Not keeping eyes on ball throughout entire swingAdjusting mid-swing if necessary

In conclusion, mastering contact hitting is essential for any softball player looking to improve their performance at the plate. While developing good form is important, it’s equally critical to understand timing and avoid common mistakes such as starting your swing too early or losing focus mid-swing. By focusing on these aspects and incorporating specific drills into your training regimen, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better hitter overall.

Transitioning into drill #1: tee work for contact hitting – One effective way to improve timing and avoid common mistakes in contact hitting is by starting with tee work drills that focus on proper technique and mechanics.

Drill #1: Tee Work For Contact Hitting

Tee work is an essential drill for softball hitters to improve their contact hitting skills. This drill involves a stationary ball on a tee, allowing the hitter to focus on their swing mechanics and timing. There are several variations of tee work that can be used to enhance the hitter’s development.

One variation of tee work is using different types of balls, such as foam or weighted balls, to provide a different feel and resistance during the swing. Another variation is adjusting the height and location of the tee, forcing the hitter to adjust their swing accordingly. Additionally, incorporating movement drills, such as stepping into the pitch or hitting off a moving tee, can help simulate game-like situations.

To execute this drill, players will need a batting tee and various types of balls. The equipment needed may vary depending on which variations of the drill are being executed. It is important to ensure that players have proper form and technique before progressing to more challenging variations.

Overall, incorporating tee work into softball hitting practice can greatly improve contact hitting skills. With various tee work variations available and minimal equipment needed, it is an accessible and effective drill for players at any level of skill or experience.

  • Adjusting height and location of tee
  • Using different types of balls
  • Incorporating movement drills
  • Focusing on form and technique
  • Progressing through varying levels of difficulty * Incorporating situational and game-like scenarios.

Drill #2: Soft Toss For Contact Hitting

  1. When using the soft toss drill, it is important to use proper technique to ensure that the ball is released correctly, and that the batter is able to make contact with the ball.
  2. The soft toss drill can be modified to focus on different aspects of hitting, such as contact, power, and timing.
  3. Variations can include adjusting the distance between the coach and the batter, the size of the toss, and the angle of the toss.
  4. To maximize the effectiveness of the drill, coaches should practice the variations and correct any errors in technique to ensure that the batter is able to make contact with the ball consistently.

Soft Toss Technique

Soft toss technique is an essential drill for softball players who want to improve their contact hitting skills. This drill involves a coach or teammate tossing the ball underhand to the batter, who then hits it back to the pitcher. The soft toss technique allows batters to focus on hitting the ball directly in front of them and helps them build muscle memory for proper swing mechanics.

One of the benefits of soft toss technique is that it provides batters with immediate feedback. Since the ball is being tossed underhand, batters can easily see where they are making contact with the ball and make adjustments accordingly. Additionally, soft toss can be adjusted to meet individual needs, allowing coaches to tailor the drill to each player’s skill level and areas of improvement.

Another benefit of soft toss technique is that it can help batters develop power in their swing. By focusing on hitting the ball directly in front of them, batters learn how to generate more bat speed and drive through the ball. With consistent practice, soft toss drills can help batters increase their power and become more confident at the plate. Overall, incorporating soft toss into practice routines can be an effective way for softball players to improve their contact hitting skills and develop a more powerful swing.

Drill Variations

Soft toss technique is an effective drill for helping softball players improve their contact hitting skills. While it is a straightforward drill, there are many variations that coaches can use to tailor the drill to each player’s needs. One variation is adjusting the height and location of the toss. Coaches can toss the ball higher or lower, further away or closer to the batter, to simulate different types of pitches and help batters develop better hand-eye coordination.

Another variation of soft toss technique is using different techniques for tossing the ball. For instance, coaches can vary between overhand and underhand tosses to challenge batters in different ways. Overhand tosses may be more difficult for some players because they require more timing and coordination, while underhand tosses may be easier for beginners who are still getting comfortable with their swing mechanics.

Finally, coaches can also vary the type of ball used in soft toss drills. Using heavier weighted balls can help batters develop strength and power in their swings, while lighter balls can be useful for improving bat speed and hand-eye coordination. Incorporating these variations into soft toss drills can keep practices fresh and engaging for players while also helping them improve their contact hitting skills over time.

Drill #3: Front Toss For Contact Hitting

After mastering the Soft Toss drill for contact hitting, it’s time to move on to improving your hitting consistency with Drill #3: Front Toss for Contact Hitting. This practice technique involves a coach or teammate standing a few feet in front of you and tossing the ball underhand at waist level. The goal is to make solid contact with the ball and hit it back towards the coach.

To ensure success with this drill, focus on keeping your head still and your eyes locked onto the ball throughout your swing. It’s also important to have proper footwork and weight transfer, shifting your weight onto your front foot as you swing through the ball. As with any hitting drill, repetition is key to developing muscle memory and improving consistency.

Incorporating both Soft Toss and Front Toss drills into your practice routine can greatly enhance your hitting skills. By achieving consistency in contact hitting, you can then begin to work on the basics of power hitting, which include proper mechanics in generating bat speed and transferring energy from your lower body to upper body. With dedication and practice, anyone can become a skilled softball hitter capable of making solid contact and driving the ball with power.

The Basics Of Power Hitting

When it comes to softball hitting, players often have to choose between power and contact. While some players may excel in one area over the other, most coaches aim to develop both skills in their athletes. Power hitting requires a different set of techniques than contact hitting, and it’s important for players to understand these differences if they want to improve their overall performance at the plate.

Techniques for power hitting include using a more aggressive swing that generates greater force upon impact with the ball. This involves focusing on maintaining balance and proper weight distribution throughout the swing, while also maximizing bat speed and generating momentum through the hips and core muscles. Additionally, ensuring that the player is properly gripping the bat and making contact with the ball at the correct angle can help increase power output.

To improve power hitting skills, coaches often recommend practicing specific drills that target these techniques. These drills may involve using weighted bats or resistance bands to build strength and increase bat speed, or they may focus on improving hip rotation or timing. By incorporating these drills into regular practice sessions, players can gradually improve their power hitting abilities and become more well-rounded hitters overall.

Moving forward, drill #4: bat speed training for power hitting will be discussed in further detail. This drill is designed specifically to help players improve their bat speed and generate more power when making contact with the ball. By mastering this drill along with others like it, players can take their softball hitting skills to new heights and become valuable assets on any team.

Drill #4: Bat Speed Training For Power Hitting

As a softball hitting coach, I cannot stress enough the importance of bat speed in power hitting. The faster your bat swings, the harder the ball will travel when contact is made. To improve bat speed, it’s crucial to focus on bat swing mechanics and incorporate resistance band exercises into your training routine.

Here are four ways to incorporate bat speed training for power hitting:

  1. Focus on hip rotation: A powerful swing starts with proper hip rotation. To maximize your power potential, work on rotating your hips towards the pitcher as you initiate your swing.
  2. Use weighted bats: By using a heavier bat during practice swings, you can increase your bat speed and build strength in your arms and shoulders.
  3. Resistance band exercises: Resistance bands are a great tool for improving bat speed because they provide constant tension throughout the entire range of motion. Incorporating resistance band exercises into your warm-up routine can help activate the muscles used in a powerful swing.
  4. Improve flexibility: Flexibility is key in developing a powerful swing. Incorporate stretching and yoga into your training routine to improve flexibility and prevent injury.

Incorporating these techniques into your training routine will help you develop a more powerful swing and improve overall performance at the plate. In the next section, we’ll go over drill #5: overload/underload bat training for power hitting, which is another effective way to increase bat speed and power at contact.

Drill #5: Overload/Underload Bat Training For Power Hitting

Having developed bat speed through the previous drill, it is time to move on to another training technique that can help improve power hitting – overload/underload bat training. This method involves using bats that are either heavier or lighter than the player’s regular bat, allowing them to swing with more force or speed than usual. The benefits of this type of training have been well-documented in various studies and are widely used in both amateur and professional softball.

One key advantage of overload/underload bat training is that it helps increase muscle strength and endurance, which are crucial for generating power when hitting the ball. By forcing players to use a heavier or lighter bat, their muscles become accustomed to working harder during practice swings, making it easier for them to swing their regular bat with greater force. Additionally, this type of training can improve hand-eye coordination and timing, which are essential skills for successful hitting.

Incorporating technology into hitting drills is also becoming increasingly popular among coaches and players alike. Tools such as batting sensors and video analysis software can provide valuable feedback on aspects such as swing path, launch angle, and exit velocity. By using these technologies alongside overload/underload bat training drills, hitters can gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and work towards improving their overall performance at the plate.

With an understanding of the benefits of overload/underload bat training now established, it’s time to move on to our next drill – banded rotational swings for power hitting. This drill focuses on building rotational power through resistance band exercises that target the core muscles used in swinging a softball bat. By incorporating this exercise into your regular routine alongside other techniques explored so far, you’ll be well on your way to developing strong hitting skills that will take your game to new heights.

Drill #6: Banded Rotational Swings For Power Hitting

Banded Rotational Swings for Power Hitting is a great drill to incorporate into your softball hitting routine. Using resistance bands during training can help in building strength and power, which is essential for hitting the ball with more force. The benefits of using resistance bands include better muscle activation, increased power output, and improved speed.

When performing banded rotational swings, it is crucial to focus on your mechanics. The rotational swing mechanics involve generating power from your hips and core, which then transfers to your arms and hands. To execute this drill correctly, loop the resistance band around a stable object or have someone hold it for you while you take a stance similar to when you’re batting. Then turn your hips and shoulders simultaneously while pulling the band towards you with both hands.

Incorporating banded rotational swings into your softball hitting drills will help develop power in your swing. However, don’t forget about contact hitting drills as well. It’s important to have a balance between improving contact and power hitting skills since they complement each other. Next up, we’ll discuss ways to combine these two types of drills to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your softball training sessions.

Combining Contact And Power Hitting Drills

  1. Working on timing is essential for any hitter to be successful; without proper timing, it is difficult to hit the ball with power.
  2. To achieve bat speed, hitters should focus on increasing the speed of their bat swing while still maintaining proper form and technique.
  3. Executing proper mechanics is key to hitting with both power and contact; a hitter should strive to repeat the same mechanics with every swing.
  4. Drills that focus on timing should emphasize the importance of keeping the hands back until the ball is released.
  5. Bat speed drills should involve the hitter swinging with maximum effort, while focusing on the proper mechanics.
  6. Mechanics drills should focus on the basics, such as proper stance, grip, and hip rotation.

Working On Timing

As a softball hitting coach, it can be challenging to help players improve their timing skills. However, improving timing is crucial for both contact and power hitting. Pitch recognition is an essential part of timing, and players who struggle with this often swing too early or too late.

To improve timing and pitch recognition, I recommend starting with drills that focus on tracking the ball from the pitcher’s hand to the plate. This will help players anticipate the speed and location of the pitch. One effective drill is to have hitters stand in front of a pitching machine while it throws various pitches at different speeds. As they track each pitch, they should call out whether it’s a ball or strike.

Another drill that can help with timing is practicing against live pitching. It’s important to mix up the types of pitches thrown so that hitters can adjust their timing accordingly. Encourage your players to take as many swings as possible during practice, as repetition is key to developing good timing habits. With consistent practice and dedication, your players will see significant improvements in their ability to make contact and hit for power at the plate.

Achieving Bat Speed

Improving swing mechanics is an important aspect of achieving bat speed and power hitting. When players have proper mechanics, they are able to generate more force behind their swings, resulting in harder hits and more home runs. One way to improve swing mechanics is by focusing on the player’s stance and grip. A solid stance with balanced weight distribution and a strong grip on the bat can help hitters generate more power.

Another way to increase bat velocity is through strength training exercises that focus on building core and upper body strength. Strengthening these areas can help hitters generate more force behind their swings, resulting in faster bat speeds and harder hits. Exercise routines that incorporate medicine ball throws, resistance band work, and plyometric movements can be especially effective.

Combining contact and power hitting drills with a focus on improving swing mechanics and increasing bat velocity can lead to significant improvements for softball players of all levels. By incorporating these drills into regular practice routines, players will develop good habits that will translate into better performance at the plate. With dedication and consistent effort, softball players can achieve higher levels of success in both contact hitting and power hitting.

Executing Proper Mechanics

To become a successful softball hitter, one must combine both contact and power hitting drills. However, executing proper mechanics is crucial in achieving this goal. Proper mechanics include the correct grip and weight transfer during the swing.

A correct grip involves holding the bat with both hands, with the top hand gripping just above the bottom hand. The hands should be relaxed but firm on the bat, allowing for a smooth and controlled swing. As for weight transfer, it’s important to shift weight from back to front during the swing. This generates more power behind the hit and allows for greater control over where the ball goes.

By focusing on executing proper mechanics through these two key elements of grip and weight transfer, hitters can improve their contact and power hitting skills significantly. Coaches should emphasize these aspects in their drills to ensure that players develop good habits that will translate into better performance at the plate.

In conclusion, combining contact and power hitting drills while focusing on executing proper mechanics is essential in improving a player’s performance as a softball hitter. A strong emphasis on grip and weight transfer during swings can help hitters generate more force behind their swings, resulting in harder hits and better overall performance at the plate. With dedication to these aspects of hitting, softball players can achieve higher levels of success in their sport.

Drill #7: Hitting Off A Machine For Game-Like Practice

As we have seen, combining contact and power hitting drills is essential for developing a well-rounded softball hitter. In fact, studies show that players who prioritize both contact and power have a greater chance of success at the plate. But how can we take this training to the next level?

One effective method is to use a softball pitching machine during practice. This allows players to experience game-like scenarios while also honing their technique. Adjusting the machine settings can simulate different pitch types and speeds, challenging hitters to adjust their swing accordingly.

To maximize the benefits of this drill, it’s important for players to focus on adjusting their technique as needed. For example, if they struggle with high pitches, they can work on keeping their hands above the ball and getting more lift in their swing. Alternatively, if they tend to chase low pitches, they can practice staying balanced and keeping their eyes level with the ball.

By incorporating this drill into your training regimen, you’ll help your players develop a more well-rounded skill set that will translate into success on game day.

Transition: While hitting off a machine is an effective way to prepare for game-like scenarios, there’s nothing quite like live batting practice to truly test a player’s skills. In our next section, we’ll explore drill #8: live batting practice for game-like situations.

Drill #8: Live Batting Practice For Game-Like Situations

  1. Live batting practice is an important part of softball hitting drills, as it helps players to simulate game-like situations.
  2. Hitting with power involves proper technique, such as having a strong stance, utilizing the lower body, and having a good bat path.
  3. Hitting for contact requires the player to have a short and quick swing, with the focus on making contact with the ball.
  4. Developing a good approach is essential for successful hitting, as it allows the hitter to take advantage of their strengths and weaknesses.
  5. It is important to practice with a purpose, focusing on specific areas such as power hitting or contact hitting.
  6. With practice and repetition, players can develop the skills needed to become a strong and successful hitter.

Live Batting Practice

Perfecting one’s softball hitting skills requires ample practice, and there is no better way to prepare for game-like situations than through live batting practice. Game simulation drills help players get comfortable with real-world scenarios and develop the ability to react quickly and accurately. To excel in live batting practice, players must learn to approach every pitch with intensity, focus, and determination.

Pitcher simulation drills are crucial for honing a player’s timing and swing mechanics. In this drill, batters face a teammate or coach who acts as the pitcher. The goal is to simulate a real-game scenario by having the pitcher throw pitches at different speeds, angles, and locations. This exercise helps players develop their hand-eye coordination and improves their ability to recognize pitches.

The importance of live batting practice cannot be overstated when it comes to developing a powerful softball swing that can deliver both contact and power. Players who incorporate game simulation and pitcher simulation drills into their training regimen will not only improve their hitting skills but also boost their confidence on the field. By practicing like they play, batters can approach game-day situations with poise and precision that will give them an edge over the competition.

Hitting With Power

In addition to focusing on timing, recognizing pitches, and developing hand-eye coordination, batters should also strive to generate bat speed and build power during live batting practice. One essential aspect of generating bat speed is the proper use of hitting mechanics. A player’s swing path can significantly impact their ability to make solid contact with the ball, which is why working on hitting mechanics during live batting practice is crucial.

Building power requires a combination of factors, including a strong core, good posture, and an explosive swing. During live batting practice, batters can focus on these elements by incorporating specific drills that emphasize generating power through the lower body and transferring it to the upper body for a forceful swing. By practicing these techniques regularly in game-like situations, players can develop the muscle memory necessary to execute them correctly in real games.

In conclusion, incorporating drills that focus on generating bat speed and building power into live batting practice sessions can help players elevate their hitting skills to the next level. Developing proper hitting mechanics and emphasizing explosive swings can lead to more consistent contact with the ball and increased power at the plate. Players who dedicate themselves to improving these aspects of their game will undoubtedly see significant improvements in their overall performance.

Hitting For Contact

As a softball hitting coach, I cannot stress enough the importance of consistency when it comes to hitting. One way to achieve this is by focusing on hitting for contact during live batting practice. Hitting for contact means making solid and consistent contact with the ball, leading to more hits and fewer strikeouts.

To achieve better contact with the ball, batters must avoid common hitting mistakes such as lunging at the ball or dropping their hands too soon. Live batting practice provides an excellent opportunity to work on these issues by simulating game-like situations where batters can practice adjusting their swing to different pitch locations and speeds.

One drill that can help batters improve their hitting for contact is practicing hitting off a tee. By doing so, batters can focus solely on their swing mechanics and make adjustments without worrying about timing or pitch location. The goal is to hit line drives consistently without popping up or swinging and missing. Incorporating this drill into live batting practice sessions can help players develop muscle memory for proper swing mechanics while also building confidence in their ability to make solid contact with the ball.

Tips For Successful Softball Hitting Practice

Successful softball hitting practice involves more than simply showing up to the batting cage and swinging a bat. To truly improve your hitting skills, it is important to focus on mental preparation as much as physical techniques. Mental preparation involves getting in the right mindset before stepping up to the plate, visualizing your success, and staying confident throughout your practice.

Incorporating visualization techniques can greatly enhance your hitting performance. Before each swing, take a moment to visualize yourself making contact with the ball and driving it where you want it to go. This not only helps with hand-eye coordination but also builds confidence and reduces anxiety. Additionally, try visualizing different game situations such as hitting a home run or getting a base hit with runners in scoring position. These mental reps can help prepare you for real-game situations.

Another key aspect of successful softball hitting practice is consistency. Practicing regularly will help develop muscle memory and reinforce good habits. It is important to have a plan when you step into the batting cage, focusing on specific drills that target your weaknesses while also improving your strengths. Incorporating drills for both contact and power can help develop a well-rounded skill set.

As you continue working on your softball hitting skills through consistent practice and mental preparation, remember that mastering these skills takes time and dedication. There may be setbacks along the way but stay committed to improving every day. In the next section, we will discuss how to put all of these tips together into actionable steps towards mastering your softball hitting skills.

Conclusion: Mastering Your Softball Hitting Skills

Transitioning from the previous section, successful softball hitting practice requires a combination of proper technique and a strong mental approach. As a softball hitting coach or instructional writer, it’s important to emphasize the significance of mastering these skills for contact and power.

Mastering technique involves understanding the fundamentals of hitting such as grip, foot placement, and swing mechanics. Softball hitters need to have a consistent approach at the plate to ensure they make solid contact with each pitch. Incorporating drills specific to contact and power can help improve technique by allowing hitters to focus on their form and adjust accordingly. Consistent practice will ultimately lead to muscle memory, resulting in more efficient swings during games.

Along with mastering technique, a strong mental approach is crucial for success in softball hitting. Hitters need to be able to stay focused throughout the game, maintain confidence in their abilities, and adjust to different pitchers and situations. Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation when it comes to hitting. Incorporating visualization techniques or positive self-talk can help improve mental toughness and enhance performance at the plate.

To further aid in mastering softball hitting skills for both contact and power, below is a table outlining effective drills for each skill:

Contact DrillsPower Drills
Tee workBatting practice with weighted balls
Soft tossResistance band training
Front tossMedicine ball throws
One-handed drillOverload/underload bat training
Bunting drillsPlyometric exercises

By incorporating these drills into practice routines, softball hitters can continue honing their skills both physically and mentally. With consistent effort towards mastering technique and improving their mental approach at the plate, success in softball hitting can be achieved through dedicated practice over time.


Softball hitting is a crucial skill for any successful softball player. It requires dedication, practice, and proper form to master. Developing good hitting technique is the foundation of becoming a successful hitter. There are two main types of hitting: contact hitting and power hitting. Both require different techniques and drills to perfect.

To develop good contact hitting form, use drills such as tee work and soft toss to focus on proper hand placement and swing mechanics. For power hitting, focus on building strength through weight training and using a machine for game-like practice. Remember to always keep your eye on the ball and stay focused on the task at hand.

As a softball hitting coach or instructional writer, it is important to stress the importance of consistent practice and perseverance in mastering this skill. Encourage your players or readers to take advantage of these drills and tips to improve their performance at the plate. With dedication and hard work, they can become confident and successful hitters.

In conclusion, mastering softball hitting requires patience, persistence, and proper technique. By utilizing these drills for both contact and power hitting, you can improve your skills at the plate. Keep in mind that success takes time but with consistent practice, you will see improvement over time. As you continue to hone your skills as a hitter, remember that every swing brings you one step closer to greatness.

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